The University of Chicago clinic for Successful Aging and Frailty Evaluation provides a comprehensive examination of older adults, studying the following domains:
Frailty Status – using the Fried’s Criteria for Frailty
A 5 point scale using gait speed, grip strength, activity level, feelings of exhaustion, and weight loss
Physical Performance – using the Short Physical Performance Battery [SPPB]
Including balance, gait speed, and chair stands
Memory and Cognition – using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment [called the MoCA] MoCA TEST
The MoCA provides scoring 0-30. Originall developed for detection of mild cognitive impairment, the MoCA provides specific information about cognitive domains such as executive function, memory/delayed recall, attention, language and orientation. In our experience the MoCA is more sensitive to detect significant cognitive impairments than other screens such as the Mini-Mental Status Exam (MMSE).
Falls – using the American Geriatric Society Falls Screen AGS FALLS SCREEN
Depression – using the Patient Health Questionnaire-2 [PHQ-2] Depression Questionnaire
The PHQ-2 is a two-question screen that inquires about the frequency of depressed mood and anhedonia over the previous 2 weeks.
Older Adult Functional Status – using the Vulnerable Elder Survey [VES-13]
Presence of Chronic Illness – using the Charlson Comorbidity Index
Demographics and Key Physical Exam – including patient age, social support, number of prescription medications, body mass index.
Illinois Health Care Power of Attorney Form
Illinois Living Will Form
Illinois Physician Order for Life Sustaining Treatment Form